
The content provided on recglasses.com and any accompanying materials is intended for educational and informational purposes only to help you understand the factors involved in selecting eyewear for sports purposes. The content is not intended as medical advice, always ask a physician or medical professional for advice especially when dealing with prescription optics or when dealing with an injury.

Reliance on any information provided on this site or courses is solely at your own risk. The information provided herein is not guaranteed to produce any particular outcome.

Furthermore, we do our best to list accreditations especially for ballistics and safety eyewear, however, you the buyer are responsible for verifying that any given product meets the standards you require before purchasing.

We will not be held liable for any damages; physical or otherwise for any product that we recommend.

In addition, the Internet is ever-evolving. Therefore, the information available via this website should not be considered current, complete, or exhaustive. Always conduct your own due diligence when purchasing products; especially safety or prescription products.


If you have any questions regarding this policy or your dealings with our website, please contact us here.